Publishes DER KREIS/LE CERCLE/THE CIRCLE, illustrated slick-paper monthly half in German, remainder in French and some English; articles, stories, poems, reviews, much art work; photo inserts and personal ads (DIE KLEINE BLATT/LE PETIT FEUILLE) for members; twenty-sixth year. Editor, Rolf.

Daughters of Bilitis

165 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco 2, California

Holds regular discussion groups, lectures, Gab 'n Java sessions, occasional social events. Membership about fifty..

Publishes THE LADDER, monthly, size 6 x 9, articles, stories, poems, some art work, reviews; second year. Editor, Phyllis Lyon.

*Mattachine Society, Inc. (successors to Mattachine Society, 1950-53) 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, California

Maintains offices open daily, library-reading room; discussion groups, monthly dinners, lectures, and an annual convention. Has Chapters in Denver, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco. Total membership about 115.

Monthly NEWSLETTERS published by several chapters, scheduling local meetings and containing local news items.

Publishes MATTACHINE REVIEW, a monthly, size 6 x 9; articles, news items, infrequent fiction or poetry, some art work; fourth year. Editor, Hal Call.

Also publishes INTERIM, a quarterly bulletin of Society business, for members only.

* ONE, Incorporated-details found elsewhere in this issue.

* Affiliated with ICSE


Casting a Spotlight on Human Sex Problems

for Thinking Adults

MATTACHINE REVIEW has been praised by readers interested in the homosexual topic from every state and 18 foreign countries. "We like its rational, adult approach, probing yet devoid of sensationalism," they say. Every issue contains articles by professional persons and authoritative laymen who dare to challenge out-dated prejudice and ignorance. Also: Book reviews, bibliographical information on homosexuality and letters from readers, plus comment on sexological trends from all over the U. S. and the world.

Subscriptions: $4 per year, first class sealed, in U. S., Canada, Mexico; $5 elsewhere. Single copies 50c or 7 Intl. Reply coupons.

mattachine REVIEW

Published monthly by Mattachine Society, Inc., at 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif.

FREE-Publications catalog plus folders on Mattachine Society, plus additional information about the REVIEW. Simply send name and address to publication office above.
